MFF - Muslim Film Festival
MFF stands for Muslim Film Festival
Here you will find, what does MFF stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Muslim Film Festival? Muslim Film Festival can be abbreviated as MFF What does MFF stand for? MFF stands for Muslim Film Festival. What does Muslim Film Festival mean?Muslim Film Festival is an expansion of MFF
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Alternative definitions of MFF
- Manchester Film Fest
- Multiannual Financial Framework
- Music For Freaks
- Military Free Fall
- Moanda, Gabon
- Minnesota Fast Freeze
- Manchester Film Fest
- Metroplex Flag Football
View 65 other definitions of MFF on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- MPF Muslim Peace Fellowship
- MSABC Muslim Students' Association at Boston College
- MWRC Muslim Women Resource Center
- MWC Muslim Women's Coalition
- MWL - Saudi Arabia Muslim World League, Saudi Arabia
- MAT Muslims Against Terrorism
- MGI Mutual Ground, Inc.
- MI Mutual Interest
- MBWFIF My Birthday Wish Foundation, Inc. of Florida
- MBKI My Brothaz Keeper, Inc.
- MBKBSI My Brother's Keeper Benevolent Society Inc.
- MBKLNC My Brother's Keeper Lenoir NC
- MBT My Brother's Table
- MCI&SS My Canada! Integration & Settlement Service
- MCCT My Community Care Team
- MFP My Friend's Place
- MJL My Jewish Learning
- MSPI My Sisters' Place Inc.
- MSPIHCT My Sisters' Place, Inc. of Hartford, CT
- MI Myama, Inc.